Business Intelligence (Power BI)


Power BI is a business analytics service provided by Microsoft. It allows users to create interactive visualizations and reports with data from a variety of sources, such as Excel, SQL Server, and the web. With Power BI, users can easily create professional-looking reports and dashboards and share them with colleagues and stakeholders.

Microsoft Power BI is an innovative business analytics tool designed to help organizations make data-driven decisions. It allows you to integrate, process, and visualize data from various sources, such as Excel
spreadsheets, databases, and even real-time data streams. Power BI's intuitive interface and rich selection of visualization options, like bar and pie charts, maps, and column graphs, enable users to create engaging,
interactive experiences that empower teams to uncover trends, correlations, and insights.

This training program guide the trainees through the steps of importing data with an excel spreadsheet, transforming the data, inserting visuals, and publishing the report to the Power BI web service. By following the steps, the trainees will have a good understanding of how to use Power BI and be able to create your own reports with ease.


This training aims to guide the trainees to create and share reports and dashboards across organization, giving everyone access to crucial insights, facilitating collaboration, and fostering data-driven decision-making. Therefore, upon completion of this training program, the trainees are expected to have the ability to:

  • Provide a fundamental understanding of Power BI and its role in data analysis.
  • Teach how to import, transform, and cleanse data using Power BI Desktop.
  • Explore various visualization techniques to create effective data presentations.
  • Equip participants with the skills to master basic functionalities such as chart, graph, and dashboard creation.
  • Incorporate practical exercises and real-world examples to ensure that participants gain hands-on experience and enhance their overall proficiency in Power BI.


The course will cover a range of topics, including Power BI and its capabilities, how to connect Power BI to data sources, data transformation, table relationships, and implicit & explicit measures. Participants will also learn how to create Power BI reports and apply key techniques to produce standard reporting. Additionally, the training program will focus on how to custom visualization to a Power BI report, color formatting and axis properties, and Power BI dashboard. Specifically, our training will cover most importance below 7 modules:

  • Module 1: Introduction to Power BI
  • Module 2: Getting Started with Data
  • Module 3: Data Visualization
  • Module 4: Advanced Visualization Techniques
  • Module 5: Building Dashboards
  • Module 6: Collaboration and Distribution Data
  • Module 7: Creating and Using DAX

Who should Attend?

This course will benefit everyone with an interest in data analysis and business insights using visualizations and reports. Specifically, this course is perfect for:

  • Data Analysts
  • Business Analysts
  • Database Administrators
  • Data Engineers
  • IT Professionals

Trainer's Profile

He is currently working as a M&E Consultant for a reputable sustainable economic development and human development organization in Cambodia. His role involves in developing and updating the M&E system, including M&E plans, data flow, data management, data analysis, and reporting.

Fee Charged

The course fee is USD 270.00. It is inclusive of course materials, handouts, meals, refreshments, and certificates of completion but do exclude 10% of VAT amount.

We are offering an early bird registration fee to anyone who registers earlier. Interested participants or companies are encouraged to view the course details and early bird registration deadline. For further details on early bird fee, please find following:

USD 230 (Register before 6 May 2024)
USD 250 (Register before 13 May 2024)