Effective Public Speaking and Presentation Skills


Public speaking and presentation skills are crucial for success in almost any field. These skills enable individuals to effectively communicate their ideas, engage with their audience, and persuade others to take action. They are particularly valuable in job interviews, business meetings, and networking events, and can help individuals stand out as confident and influential communicators. By mastering public speaking and presentation skills, individuals can achieve their goals, connect with others, and make a lasting impression.

Proficiency in public speaking and presentation skills is imperative for individuals working in any organization. Skilled communicators can effectively engage clients, leading to stronger relationships and increased sales. Moreover, employees possessing strong communication skills play a pivotal role in internal communication, disseminating information lucidly, and motivating teams. Their ability to inspire confidence and influence others also fosters effective leadership development within the organization. Ultimately, employees exhibiting proficient public speaking and presentation abilities provide a competitive advantage, driving success and growth for the organization by building a positive brand image and representing the
organization's values and offerings in various public settings.

This training program will help trainees understand the importance of knowing their audience, preparing their content in advance, and using effective delivery techniques. Trainees will explore the use of visual aids and technology to enhance their presentations, as well as learn how to handle questions and objections from the
audience. The training will also cover nonverbal communication and offer tips on how to manage nervousness and anxiety while speaking in public.


This course aims to provide the trainees with specific concepts that are integral to effective public speaking and presentations. By learning appropriate preparation techniques, trainees will learn to overcome their apprehensions about speaking in public and thus become more confident and effective speakers/presenters. Therefore, upon completion of this training program, the trainees are expected to have the ability to:

  • Explain the term "High Impact Speech" and components and its benefits.
  • Point out ways how to build up strong confidence and speech anxiety reduction
  • Identify and deal with types of audiences and develop purposes of speech
  • Describe effective methods to support your ideas, outline speech, and deliver a speech
  • Raise emotional words to touch audiences' hearts effectively.


Our training will cover the most important below 9 modules:

  • Module 1: Concept and History of Public Speaking
  • Module 2: Building Your Confidence
  • Module 3: Types of Audiences and Dealing
  • Module 4: Developing Purposes of Speech
  • Module 5: Delivery Methods
  • Module 6: Supporting Your Idea
  • Module 7: Outlining Your Speech
  • Module 8: Effective Languages
  • Module 9: Integrating Presentation Media and Practice

Who should Attend?

This course will benefit business professionals, media and public relations professionals, sales and marketing professionals, customer service professionals, research and development professionals, HR and admin professionals, accounting and finance professionals, and any professionals who live in business meetings and build content-heavy, professional presentations to sell products/service/idea or pitch business. Specifically, this course is perfect for:

  • Businesses Professional
  • Media and Public Relations Professional
  • Sales and Marketing Professional
  • Customer Service Professional
  • Research and Development Professionals
  • HR and Admin Professional
  • Accounting and Finance Professionals
  • Any professionals who live in business meetings and build content-heavy, professional presentations to sell products/services/ideas or pitch business

Trainer's Profile

He is currently an entrepreneur. Before this, he held various levels of management positions for both local and international organizations. Additionally, He has been an inspirational author and trainer for more than a decade, focusing particularly in the area of attitude and mindset development.

Fee Charged

The course fee is USD 270.00. It is inclusive of course materials, handouts, meals, refreshments, and certificates of completion but does exclude 10% of VAT amount.

We are offering an early bird registration fee to anyone who registers earlier. Interested participants or companies are encouraged to view the course details and early bird registration deadline. For further details on the early bird fee, please find the following:

  • USD 230 (Register before 28 September 2024)
  • USD 250 (Register before 12 October 2024)